Jewels Business Support provides professional bookkeeping and business solutions with a personal touch. Not just your average bookkeeper.
We care about our client’s success and wellbeing, so we provide effortless, effective amd stress free bookkeeping systems, along with a
friendly approach, speak in plain english and provide ongoing support and direction.
No person goes into business to become a "paper-pusher" or to answer to the taxation department.
We love to help business owners and entrepreneurs to remove themselves from the burden of daily bookkeeping operations and to setup seamless business operational systems and procedures.
One of the many benefits of using a professional bookkeeper is the relief you will feel about not having to face such a tedious task.
As well as the time and money savings, another benefit is having correct and current financial data and other key reports and business
information which can be accessed quickly and easily.
The result is better, more informed business decisions and time to focus on the business planning and building for growth and profit, whilst
also having time to work in the business, doing income producing work, which is usually what most entrepreneurs do best.
Our aim is to provide help and support, reduce stress, remove headaches and give business owners their time back to do what they love to do,
they can relax and be at peace in their downtime whilst also knowing exactly how much they have earned and what they can spend whilst
doing so.
We believe in providing what is important to business, exceptional personal, helpful, and friendly service, someone that will listen, and
that understands the problems that small business face, practical and innovative solutions, and non-stressful compliance.
Our highly skilled and experienced team
love to tame The Bookkeeping Monster
and provide exceptional service to our clients.
We love to assist small business owners with their finances, removing confusion, fear and uncertainty and replacing it with clarity, freedom and control.
Current and accurate financial data allows for more informed business growth decisions.
To be more than just your average bookkeeper.